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Salem Sate College Advisory Board Minutes 4/18/2012
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
APRIL 18, 2012 – Minutes

Attendees:      Beth Bower, David Coleman, Jason Doviak, Jack Hoar, Marcia Lambert, Jim Rose, Jason Silva, Andrew Soll, and Josh Turiel

Absent: Maureen Fry, Robert McCarthy, Joseph O’Keefe, and John Walsh

Guests: Joe Berry (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.) and Leif Lamoray (Leftfield, Inc.)

  • Library/Learning Commons
  • The contractor is wrapping up ledge removal by Meier Drive and is continuing with onsite utility work.
  • The major focus of the project is now on interior mechanicals and the exterior envelope which should be completed by fall when the focus will switch to interior finishes.
  • Phase II Demolition
  • The bid documents for the demolition of the rest of the existing library building are due to go out in May.
  • The building will not be imploded as it is too close to other buildings and property and dust control would be too difficult.
  • The Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) conducted a pilot study on the best practices for taking down the building during Phase I. The method to be used for Phase II will require EPA approval, and details of the process will not be defined until a contractor is selected.
  • DCAM must wait until bids are received to determine if the budget and scope for the remaining demolition will align. However, both DCAM and the university are committed to doing everything possible to demolish the existing building before the new one opens in the fall of 2013.
  • A committee member asked if there will be a public meeting before the remaining demolition.
  • The demolition plans will be addressed in the Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee meetings, but the university will provide additional notification when the plans will be reviewed.
  • A committee member asked what was envisioned for the site once the building is demolished.
  • An upgrade for the science labs was included in a capital bond bill from 2008, which included $2.2 billion for higher education projects to be spent over the course of a decade. The library project was the first priority for Salem State. To access the funding for the science lab project, it needs to be listed in a spending plan produced annually by the Executive Office of Administration and Finance.
  • Fitness & Recreation Center Addition
  • Andrew Soll announced that Suffolk Construction was selected as the contractor for this project.
  • Mr. Soll reviewed two changes to the original design presented to the neighborhood and committee at a special meeting announcing the center on January 30, 2012:
  • The inside of the wing wall was changed to wood with the color extending under the roof along the front.
  • The exterior panels on parts of the building were changed from corrugated panels to a shiplap treatment.
  • Questions/comments from the committee:
  • What is the height from the top of the lights compared to the top of both the existing roof and the one to come with the addition? – The university will report back at the May meeting.
  • What are the dimensions of the new building? – The university will report back at the May meeting.
  • Will the ramp entrance be removed? – No.
  • Questions/comments from the audience:
  • Did the height of the building increase? – No.
  • Two members of the committee commented on the difference between the existing O’Keefe center design and the design of the addition, asking for exact heights for both.
  • What is the depth from the doors to the edge of the wing? There was concern expressed for safety of people exiting the building at night.– The university will report back on the depth at the May meeting and will bring comments to the design team.
  • Leif Lamoray reported that a hydrant flow test will be conducted on Thursday, April 19, 2012, at 10 p.m. The City of Salem had notified the university that residents and business owners may be affected in the following areas: Canal Street, Broadway, Forest Avenue, Lussier Street, and Linden Street. The test site is at 225 Canal Street and Lussier Street. The city informed further that some may experience a loss of water pressure or some discoloration during this time. It was recommend that businesses and residents not turn on hot water, and let cold water run until water clears.~ Questions regarding the hydrant testing can to the city at 978.744.3302.
  • Neighborhood Disturbances
  • Concert at Salem State University – The Gym Class Heroes performed live at the O’Keefe Center on Sunday, April 15. This was the first large concert on campus in six years. The university and the city received complaints regarding the noise and the timing. Beth Bower reported that there is nothing else like this scheduled for the rest of the school year. She added that the university will take the comments received into account for future event planning and will provide notification about these events through the regular neighborhood announcement channels.
  • Alumni Field LightsMarcia Lambert reported that she has not heard any additional complaints, but that the neighbors are not happy with the current timeframe for field usage.
  • Ms. Bower stated that the university is continuing to look into this issue and will take advantage of the reduced summer schedule to work on a solution. She added that there are rarely summer nighttime rentals of this field and that all rentals for fields are listed on the Community Connections Neighborhood Update page on the university’s website.
  • Councillor Turiel reported that the proposed parking changes at the corner of Broadway and Loring Avenue were approved by City Council last week. These changes included repainting the service zones, removing an outdated handicapped parking space, and instituting 30-minute business parking in this area at the corner.
  • Dana Lothrop noted that it is very dark near the crosswalk across Raymond Road at the Loring Avenue junction. He asked that a light be added at the intersection. The city stated that they would look into this issue.
  • Mr. Lothrop also requested that the minutes from past meetings be posted on the city’s website. The city stated that this would be done.
  • Raymond Road Traffic Study; Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall; HVAC System at Building 1 Update; Off-Campus Parking Update; Tobacco Free Campus
  • The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.